Pico and Pico+Stim
Designed specifically for small animal electrophysiology, the Pico Front Ends utilize the same ASIC technology as the Nano2 line but in an even smaller form factor. Perform your closed loop recording and stimulation with the smallest commercially available technology.
Available in 16 and 32 channel options, the Pico line is ideal for recording from acute linear probes and chronically implanted electrode arrays. Stimulation variants have independent current sources on every channel, and when paired with Fast-Settle artifact rejection technology, users can record single-units while uniquely stimulating on all channels simultaneously. The Pico line can also accommodate flexible stimulation for lesioning. Combined with one of our commutator options, the Grapevine Pico line of front ends is the perfect solution for your behavioral experiments.
- Available in 16 and 32 channel options
- Lightweight and small form factor (< 1 gram)
- 30kHz sampling rate
- Integrated filtering, amplification, and 16-bit digitization
- Fast-Settle artifact rejection
- Commutator ready for free-behaving experiments
- Programmatic control of waveforms and train parameters
Primary Use Cases
Chronic small-animal recording | Stimulation | Single/Multi-Unit Activity | LFPs | Closed Loop